Friday 11 March 2011

You read what you are !

I was at another parent-teacher meeting.  Tonight, the discussion topic was a book that only half of us had read.

I hadn’t read it.  And I’ll admit, I was slightly prejudiced against the book and the authors.

But listening to one mom, I thought it sounded like a fabulous book on parenting.

Hearing another, though, I was afraid it might be filled with too many rules and not enough grace.

I laughed as I concluded that you could easily think you were hearing reviews of ten very different books when in a room full of ten moms who were talking about only one book.

But as each mom jumped into the discussion, sharing what really struck her in what she’d read, I realized something else: each of these women had read this book through her own “filter.”  Each of them had read the pages of this book in light of their heart perspective.

The woman who memorized Scripture and spoke with His Words on her tongue had seen all of the biblical principles: she couldn’t say enough good about the impact on her heart and life of the verses the authors had shared.

The mom who obviously lived her life according to some external rules read the black and white that she saw the authors set forth, and cheered for no gray areas in which to get muddled.

The wife who felt a bit like she was going it on her own in some areas read about this amazing family and wanted her husband to read the book so they could do everything this family was doing.

The woman who had been skeptical thoughtfully read the why’s and realized some of these principles could be helpful in making life easier if applied to her own parenting.

Based upon who they were, each reader came away with a very different perspective on the book and its main points.

As a reader, it’s an interesting thought to consider.  Is this why, when I read a book looking for its good points, I rarely come up lacking?

As a writer, it’s an almost scary fact.  Is this why, no matter what you write, someone can always read it and find something to pick apart?

But as a one who wants to live my life according to The Word, something else hit home for me.  They say “you are what you read”, but it seems you also read what you are.  Which comes first?  And through what and Whose lenses will I read?


At 17 March 2011 at 23:55 , Blogger A.G.Krishnan said...

A little research is reqd. before I comment !

Anyway, nice topic.

At 23 March 2011 at 02:58 , Blogger Sharmeela said...

waiting !

At 6 April 2011 at 04:32 , Blogger A.G.Krishnan said...

It is always wonderful experience to listen parents at PTM. They hardly get two minutes time to speak out and by the time they’re half finished, are pushed from back by others waiting impatiently for their turn.

We must think of their plight for getting this “slot of two minutes” ; getting up early (without wanting to), dressing up, skipping breakfast, leaving behind other scheduled engagements, driving up to the school etc. etc.

Parents during PTM are unable to convey their complaints what they actually wanted to. So…….just enjoy the essence of such meetings leaving no room to ponder !

At 6 April 2011 at 04:36 , Blogger A.G.Krishnan said...

I invite you to visit my blog and read funny conversation between Ronie (the naughty son) and Dad which I am sure you will enjoy.


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